The problem with the other product is that they really focused on the thing itself, not on how it works. How will this be problematic? Because not everyone using this product would waste time reading tutorial or manual given by the company. On their defense, they might say about how the product would be targeted for the next generation of people that would try out different things, but why limit your target market when you can aim for something higher and bigger such as every generation? This might pose a few complications with the older generation, because for them everything about new generation is either too complicated or too hard to use.
With this in mind, the company compose a product that has the best ease of use, in which one don’t have to commit itself to the product to make it works. But of course, new generation kids won’t be satisfied unless they have something to tinker about and Cal Lighting SH-1022 8-Inch Side Hardback Fabric Shade also gives those options, satisfying both the newer and older generations alike.
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